Grill and Chill with 1UP Floors

At 1UP Floors, we know that building strong relationships with our customers means more than just offering awesome flooring. Building community is about creating fun and memorable experiences that bring everyone together. That’s why we host our exclusive Rarrbqs—Random Acts of Resident Retention BBQs—so our customers can relax, connect, and have a blast with their residents.

What’s a Rarrbq?

A Rarrbq is our way of saying thanks to our amazing customers. It’s a free, fun-filled barbecue bash where we handle all the details—delicious food, cool tunes, and an awesome vibe—so our customers can kick back and enjoy the party with their residents.

Courtside Apartments Rarrbq Highlights

Our latest Rarrbq was at Courtside Apartments in Olympia, and it was a hit! Even with a bit of rain, the sun popped in and out, and the fun never stopped. We grilled up tasty burgers and hot dogs, served up refreshing drinks, and had a blast with the Courtside crew.

Despite being fashionably late, the Courtside team welcomed us with open arms. The event was filled with laughter, great conversations, and plenty of smiles.

Check out all of the pictures here!

Why We Love Rarrbqs

We do these events because we love showing our appreciation for our customers. We know community living is about feeling connected and valued. By hosting Rarrbqs, we give our customers a chance to relax, mingle with their residents, and build stronger bonds—all while having a great time.

Exclusive and Free

The best part? Our Rarrbqs are completely free for our customers and their residents. This year, we’re bringing this special experience to just 8 lucky communities. It’s our way of adding some extra sizzle to their summer and saying thanks for being part of the 1UP Floors family.

Stay tuned for more Rarrbq fun and updates by following us on our social media channels.

Rarrbq Season 2023: A Summer to Remember with 1UP Floors 🌞🍔

Greetings, flavor-chasers and vibe-raisers! What a whirlwind of a summer we’ve had, right? Seven—count ‘em—SEVEN Rarrbqs that flipped the script on community building and set a new bar for what resident relations can be. Grab your fave BBQ sauce, and let’s recap this grill-tastic journey! 🎉

The Heat of the Season 🌞

Oh boy, we kicked off this season with the same enthusiasm we bring to finding that perfect flooring solution for your multi-family home! From Gilman Square Apartments to our season finale at Alderra Apartments, we’ve been across the greater Seattle/Tacoma area. We’re talking about rooftops, poolsides, and courtyards that got the full 1UP treatment—good food, great tunes, and even better company.

So, what were these events all about? If you missed our previous explanation, a Rarrbq (Random Act of Resident Retention BBQ) is our play to elevate community spirit. Picture this: good eats, good beats, and good peeps! Residents, property managers, and our gleaming 1UP team, all sharing stories and BBQ sauce tips. What’s not to love?

Beyond the Grill 🛠️

Hey, we get it. At first glance, we’re a flooring company. But those who’ve tasted the 1UP life know we’re so much more. Each Rarrbq was a reflection of our core values: fast and reliable installations, clear billing, and our industry-changing 3-year ‘Make It Right’ Warranty. Yeah, we’re transforming the flooring game, but we’re also hell-bent on redefining what community means in the multi-family living space.

The Special Ingredients 🌶️

From downtown Seattle’s buzz at Origin Apartments to the poolside vibes at Kelsey Ridge, we sought to enhance each community’s unique spirit. We even had amazing partners like Latara Washington from Agent Washington Security join the fun. Because the truth is, a 1UP Rarrbq is never a one-man-show; it’s a community jamboree!

What’s Next? 🎉

The 2023 Rarrbq season might be over, but we’re already jazzed for 2024. Until then, if you need a touch of 1UP magic to elevate your floors or just want to chat about the best BBQ sides (Team Mac ‘n Cheese, anyone?), you know how to reach us. 📞✨

Thank you to every community that opened its doors, grills, and hearts to us. Stay tuned for more 1UP fun, and remember, we’re not just stepping onto new floors; we’re stepping into a new way of life. 🌟

#1UPFloors #RarrbqRecap #CommunityVibes #UntilNextTime 🎊🌈