The Ultimate 1UP Floors Fall Floor Care Guide (And Checklist!)

Hey there, all you fantastic property managers, community directors, and regional managers in the multi-family universe! Fall is upon us, and you know what that means. 🍂 Pumpkin spice everything and a fresh opportunity to help your residents love their floors a little extra. As your go-to flooring gurus, we’ve got a handy-dandy guide below, PLUS a downloadable sheet you can share with your residents to keep those floors in Insta-worthy shape.

Carpets: A Weekly Date with Your Vacuum

What’s cozier than fresh, clean carpet underfoot? We recommend vacuuming once a week to keep it lush and lovely. And hey, we gotta talk about those DIY carpet cleaning machines that you can rent. Beware! They tend to leave soap in the carpet, which is a dirt magnet, not to mention that dirt can actually damage those precious carpet fibers. Make sure you’re up to speed on your carpet cleaning policies!

Sheet Vinyl: Your Easy-to-Love Floor

This beauty loves a pH-neutral cleaner and detests abrasive pads. Give it a warm (not hot) mop, and it’ll stay your low-maintenance best friend for years.

LVP (Luxury Vinyl Plank): Treat it Like Royalty

We’re talking about approved cleaners only. And say goodbye to standing water; spills should be history in seconds.

Trimmings and Accents: Don’t Forget the Bling!

We all adore those little details that make a home, well, homey. A soft cloth and the right cleaner keep your moldings looking like the crown jewels they are.

Be a Green Superhero 🦸♂️

Let’s not forget our commitment to being green! Choose Earth-friendly cleaning products and join 1UP Floors in our quest for dedicated recycling and ethical practices.

TL;DR ⬇️ Your Checklist is Here!

Okay, get ready to click, because this downloadable/printable floor care checklist for your residents is the icing on your autumnal cake. 🎃

So, there you have it! Everything you need to ensure your residents fall head over heels for their floors this season—courtesy of your friends at 1UP Floors.